I have only taught five of the one hundred and eighty days of this school year, but I still relished every second of today's holiday. The day was perfect, complete with sunshine, crisp air and fanciful fluffy pictures painted across the sky.
In fitting with the season, we picked all of the ripe garden tomatoes and fresh basil to make a sauce that simmered all day on the stove. The cooking pot of garden produce left a lingering and delicious scent that is still detectable throughout the house.
Uncle Mark, Becca, Hannah and I took a picnic lunch to the Schwangunks and hiked up to Peterskill Falls. We spent a lot of time simply sitting on the rocks and watching the water gently fall to the next ridge below.

The remainder of the day afforded some time for quiet reflection and journalling in the sunlit fields behind our home. I was accompanied by a dump truck and excavator that brought load upon load of dirt from the back fields in toward the model house. In the midst of all of the change, I find myself enjoying, more and more, the scenery of the sky. Thank goodness that the sky cannot be excavated!