So often it seems that when I give thought to vocation calling, I pose the question in terms of, "Where is it that I can serve in such a way that I am fulfilling the tasks that God has created me to do?" But how often do I think of vocation in terms of accepting the demands of who I am called to be as a child of God? Both doing and being seem entirely relevant, important and inseparable in the discerning of vocation.
It's easy for me to want to view the meaning of my life through the lens of the question, "Am I in a place where I can actively pursue what I am called to do?" But this season of life is slowly teaching me to submit and surrender to learning the lessons of becoming who God has called me to be.
Certainly the journey of life brings us to places of duty where we never would have chosen, vocationally speaking, to serve. Oh, for grace to say with the Psalmist in these moments, "I would rather be a doorkeeper in Your house, God, than to live my whole life somewhere else!" And in those days where I find myself only a doorkeeper, may I be taught to say, as a servant to a master, "My vocation is obedience and joy."