Saturday, January 01, 2005

Oatmeal Bread

1 quart of boiling water
2 cups regular oatmeal
1/2 cup dark molasses
1/2 cup light molasses
1/4 cup oleomargarine or butter
1 Tablespoon salt
2 packages dry yeast
2 teaspoons sugar
1 cup lukewarm water
10 cups flour (approximate)

In a big bread bowl put oats, molasses, oleo, and salt. Pour boiling water over these; stir until oleo melts; set aside to cool. In a small bowl, combine yeast, sugar and water; stir until yeast dissolves. When mixture in large bowl has cooled to lukewarm, add the yeast mixture; stir. Gradually add the flour, mixing and then kneading in. Let rise in a greased bowl covered with a warm damp towel, until double, abot 1 hour. Punch down and let rise again in greased pans, about another hour. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 40-50 minutes. Makes 4 loaves.