Isaac and I drove to Ithaca yesterday to settle Isaac in for his senior year of college. He is rooming with a friend from Cornell Christian Fellowship, Eric, who also comes from a farming background (notice the John Deere pillowcase in the picture). Their room is tiny. You might think that it was cozy until you looked out of the window and realized that the room sits on a construction site that tends toward the noisy and dusty side. At least they have the consolation that they will be moving into the new construction come January.
Isaac hopes to get a job at the vet school this year. He has plans for a challenging senior year including two semesters of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
I spent the evening in Binghamton with Katherine and Justin in their newly furnished apartment. I was so glad to witness the great joy and contentment that they have been given in their new marriage.
Isaac hopes to get a job at the vet school this year. He has plans for a challenging senior year including two semesters of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
I spent the evening in Binghamton with Katherine and Justin in their newly furnished apartment. I was so glad to witness the great joy and contentment that they have been given in their new marriage.
Isaac and Eric enjoying each other's company (while on the phone).