The end of a marking quarter is always a ferociously busy time for me. My whole life becomes consumed with grading and number crunching, my working hours increase exponentially, and I always struggle to find energy for anything besides work. It is common for me to feel discouraged because I feel as though I am "layed aside" from any important task. When I read this last night, it was just what I needed. In those times when our energy resources are consumed, He is saying, as it were, "Be satisfied with Myself, be content to know I love thee." - Sarah
If He uses me, it is a great honor. If He lays me aside because self was elated, it is a great mercy. He is saying, as it were, "Be satisfied with Myself, be content to know I love thee."
Are you content with His love? The secret of all service is the due appreciation of the Master's grace.
- John Darby