Though sometimes in all the Christmas shopping and excitement we sometimes forget the true reason to the season: Christ's birthday. God sent his one and only Son to save us from our sins. His son the King of Kings was not born in a palace surrounded by earthly wealth. But He was born in stable because there was no room in an inn for Him. Imagine that, the King of Kings, son of the Creator of the whole universe, came to earth and there was no room for Him even in the poorest inn. Instead Mary and Joseph were sent to a stable filled with animals and their manure. Though Christ was the Son of God, He was born there - in a humble stable, surrounded not by midwifes and servants, but by animals and His earthly parents. Then Jesus was not shown to kings and lords of men, but to the lowest society of men, the shepherds of the flocks of sheep in the City of David. These men were probably despised by many, but still they were the first people to see the one Son of God, sent here to die for our sins on the cross on Golgotha the place of the skulls. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life," John 3:16. We will not perish if we believe in the Son of God.
- Caleb Angell