I love that God loves us so much that He cares to know the even the depths of the hidden places of our hearts. Not only does our God say that our actions speak of Him, but also our thoughts. We are told, “Think on these things: whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is right, whatever is true, whatever is noble and whatever is admirable.”
Yesterday, I was observed in my classroom by a trusted teacher for an entire day as part of a teaching initiative that is striving to increase the quality of science education in the United States. Every word I said was recorded, every action I took was taped, and the order and logic of my presentation was analyzed. Never has so much of my professional life been so formally scrutinized for so long. It was exhausting!
Somehow, though, God’s care for the hidden places of our lives seems so unlike scrutiny and so much like comfort. When we were young, Mom taught us to memorize 2 Chronicles 16:9, “For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”
God wants to know the hidden places of my heart to prove Himself true! He wants my thoughts to be right so that I might know and experience His presence. He cares that the inner man be blameless so that I can behold Him in purity.
May the depths of the hidden places of my heart be known before you, God, that the comfort of Your presence may dwell more fully in this human temple!