When the temperature on January 6th is 65 degrees Fahrenheit, some special activity is definitely in place. Dad, Hannah, Rebecca and I decided that our warm weather activity would be a nature walk around the farm.
Dad has been inspired greatly by the naturalist John Burroughs in recent months. Dad declared, "Girls, we are going on a John Burroughs nature walk. On a John Burroughs nature walk you must be quiet and listen. If you hear a bird you have to stop and see if you can tell the direction that that chirping is coming from. But above all, you must be quiet."
The quiet part was a trial for Rebecca who was laughing throughout the walk. After we found some token nature pieces (hawks soaring overhead, some white birch trees and bird nests), Dad decided to give in about walking quietly and proposed a race.
I have never raced barefoot through the Bentley fields in January. But today I did. I'm not so convinced that I miss the snow if the alternative is running barefoot through the fields with my sisters in January.
At least today, skis seemed like foot vehicles of the past.
Taking in the warm breeze.
My new winter boots: