Tuesday, November 18, 2008

After Everything is Over

I have started reading John Piper's newest book, This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence. In this book, Piper unveils marriage as a temporary shadow of an eternal reality: the persistent pursuit and love of Jesus for His bride. This book is a tribute to love, commitment, covenant and life-long vows; but more than that, it is a book of mind-altering perspective in its reminder that this life and all of its institutions are quite far from permanent. Eternity is close at hand, and the shadows of this life will soon be replaced by the realities of forever.

As I was reading, I thought back upon a love song to the Creator, the Everlasting God, that I hadn't remembered in years. It seemed fitting:

You are the reason I live
You are the reason I move
You are the reason I breathe
You are the reason
It's You

And after everything is over
You'll be the song I sing forever
(Michelle Thornberry)