Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Mom recounted a humorous conversation at the dinner table tonight. Earlier in the day she had called a fancy restaurant that accepts customers on a reservation-only basis.

Having memorized the number, she dials the restaurant and says, "I would like to make dinner reservations for two."

"Oh, you don't need to make reservations."

Mom, sure that reservations are necessary, persists, "But, I would to make dinner reservations for two on Monday, February 19th."

The voice on the other line repeats, "Well, it's okay, but you don't need to make reservations."

Mom, quite confused, wonders if the woman doesn't understand. "Yes, okay, I'd like reservations for two on Monday, February 19th at 6:30."

The woman on the other end is giving up at this point, "Okay, thank you."

Mom, about to hang up, decides to ask, "By the way, what restaurant is this?"

The woman responds, "This is the pizzeria."