I spent the weekend with Isaac in Ithaca. There were many highlights of the time we spent together. We walked a canal that leads into Lake Cayuga and watched the crew team make the graceful journey on water, we spent a nice amount of time with other Cornell students and even did some improv acting (Isaac was a hippie in a modern rendition of The Good Samaritan and I was a foreign tourist with a camera witnessing a dramatic bank robbery), we walked over the beautiful campus on a hill and had fun seeing who had the most breath left at the top, we went to Friendly's and ate dinner surrounded by parents with their kids (Isaac said that he doesn't see enough kids), we enjoyed Sunday morning worship together at Isaac's local church and listened to some beautiful choral arrangements composed by Handel, we talked about the future and even experienced a Cornell physics lecture together. But perhaps our favorite event of the weekend was our run up the 161 steps of the Cornell tower to witness the concert of the bells. The chimesmaster has quite a job for the fifteen minute concert - he or she must use arms and legs to push down the levers to make the appropriate bells ring. Not only were we rewarded with a concert of the bells, but the top of the bell tower lent itself to some picturesque shots of Cornell and the city beyond.

Bell Tower views of Cornell and beyond.

The mechanism and levers that allow the chimesmaster to play the chorus of the bells.