(Caleb, Mom and Dad work on shucking the corn.)
The corn was harvested today. Thankfully, the deer fence worked. Harvesting involves picking all of the corn, shucking the corn, boiling the corn and then cutting the corn away from the cob. If we were true homesteaders we would can the corn. But we are currently 21st century homesteaders, so we freeze the corn. It lasts well into the winter and will be highlighted at both our Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts.
The tomatoes are in season now. If I get home in time, I will actually can the tomatoes, as the volume of tomatoes that we grow makes it hard to find freezer space.
For the fruit of all creation
Thanks be to God
Gifts bestowed on every nation
Thanks be to God
For the planting, sowing, reaping
Silent growth while we are sleeping
Future needs in earth's safe keeping
Thanks be to God