Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"We Grow the Ivy and the Beef"

The above poster was made by Luke for his Beef Merchandizing class at Cornell. The advertisement for the sale follows. Website: http://www.wix.com/lynnis2944/BeefSale

ITHACA, NY – Cornell University’s Beef Merchandising class is proud to announce that the 4th Annual Empire Heifer Development Program Bred Heifer Sale will be held on October 24th, 2009 at 1pm. It will take place at the Beef Unit at Cornell’s Teaching & Research facilities (Route 38, 5 miles south of Dryden, NY). This year, there will be over twenty lots of Angus, Hereford, Simmental, and Gelbvieh animals, with various crossbreds. Bred heifers, along with a few cow calf pairs will be available at this year’s sale. There will truly be something for everyone, whether you are looking for purebred or commercial, we have it all! We are offering high quality replacement heifers that are perfect for any size herd! Every animal sold is required to have thorough records available on her, so data such as ultrasound and temperament information will be accessible. So come join us on October 24th and support this years sale, there will be lunch available, starting at noon!

For more information, directions, or to request a sale catalog, please contact:

Mike Baker
Beef Extension Specialist
114 Morrison Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853