At 11pm on Monday, Dad, Jacob and I went with our friends, Dr. Naglieri, Nick, Joe and Mr. Hard, to Washington D.C. for our annual trip to the March for Life. We arrived in Kingston at Saint Mary's Church to get on the coach bus. On the coach bus the Rosary was recited and soon after many people fell asleep. At 4:15am, we arrived at a Maryland reststop for breakfast. At 6:15am we arrived at Saint Peter's Church in Washington D.C. All of us went into the church basement for donuts and hot chocolate. After we got our fill, we went upstairs to the 7:00am mass. Following mass we walked to the Senate Building for the National Prayer Service. My dad, Jacob and I were selected to light the candle for the service. At the service we prayed for the unborn babies and for their mothers and fathers. We went next to the National Archives Museum and saw the original copies of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. (You couldn't read them because they were faded and old.) After a quick lunch we headed outside to Constitution Avenue and waited for the march to begin. As the beginning of the march went by, we cut in and started walking toward the Supreme Court. We went to the top of the hill and looked down at the half-million people. Our eyes couldn't see the end of the march! At 3:00pm, we took a left toward our bus that was waiting for us at Union Station and began our trip home. It was all completed in a day's time!
Our reason for traveling to Washington D.C. each year is to remember unborn babies that were unable to live this life on earth and to hope for the end of abortion in the coming years. - Rebecca Angell