In this case, the new precludes the old. But we are grateful for the many things that have remained the same as the farm undergoes much change. And we are also grateful for the memories, especially of the Cadbury's many years spent in The Yellow House. The Yellow House was the place where we would always go to find Chris Cadbury and any mechanical part or tool that we could ever wish to locate. In the shade of the The Yellow House yard, Mary Cadbury hosted the Quaker Meetinghouse picnics. Inside The Yellow House, Mary and Chris always kept a box of old-fashioned toys that were a source of great delight to any child who chanced to visit The Yellow House. The Yellow House garden grew grapes that Mary turned into jams that found their way to our table at the end of the summer season. When I was small, The Yellow House was the residence of a dog named Frodo who frightened me many times by greeting me with great energy on two legs.
It is in these times that we think gratefully upon the words of the Christ, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away."